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Regardless of your research interests, your academic (or Alt-Ac) role, or your aspirations for the new year, there is something on this list of MPSA’s most popular blog posts from 2016 that is sure to pique your interest:
Best wishes for a safe and productive 2017!
Midwest Political Science Association
MPSA Blog: Top 10 Posts from 2016

Regardless of your research interests, your academic (or Alt-Ac) role, or your aspirations for the new year, there is something on this list of MPSA’s most popular blog posts from 2016 that is sure to pique your interest:
- Q&A with the Founder of Women Also Know Stuff
- Recommended Reading: Themes from Election 2016
- Will the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election Be a Realigning Election?
- Presenting At Conferences – A Grad Student’s Guide
- Studying for Comps? Here are Three Approaches to Try Based on Learning Style
- Political Science: The Final Frontier
- One PhD Candidate’s Roadmap for Successful Co-Authorship
- Political Science: The Cure for Election Anxiety
- (Un)Natural Disasters: Distributive Politics in Northeast Brazil
- Making Sure the Light at the end of the Tunnel is not a Train: Securing a Faculty Position
Best wishes for a safe and productive 2017!